Make Each Day Count Until the Holiday Break!

Song lyrics tell us December is the most wonderful time of the year. Though this season can bring joy and excitement, as an educator, December can also present a set of unique challenges… schedule changes, unexpected interruptions, and the anticipation of time away from school. What a great time to reframe! Whether you're an administrator, teacher, or student, making each day count until the holiday break is a great way to bring out the best in everyone.


Here are five tips to make the most
out of the last few days of school.


#1: Spark Joy With Greetings and Cheer

Add a little extra magic to your morning greeting. Welcome students and teachers with excitement – turn up the fun by playing lively music, beaming with infectious smiles, and dishing out enthusiastic high fives! Watch your campus come alive with a vibrant atmosphere that sets the tone for a day filled with joy and camaraderie.

#2: Stick Together

Revisit your Social Contract often to ensure everyone is part of the team! Pick a goal to work towards together, and when you reach it, celebrate!

#3: Glow and Grow

As a staff or with your class, reflect on the first semester. What went well? What is something they, as a team, could do better? Celebrate the glows, unwrap the successes, and together, write a few goals to help you grow in the new year.


#4: Make the Days Count

Add a positive spin to your school day countdown. Instead of “15 days of school left,” try something like this: “15 more days to learn, 14 more days to have fun, or 13 days until I’ll miss you!” You’ll experience happiness when you stop waiting for the holiday break and make the most of the moment you are in.

#5: Create a Plan

When you’re tempted to think ahead to the holidays, follow your plan! Make sure to leave space for fun and connection. How can you make memories with your students? Time is not refundable! Use it with intention.


I once asked my students to name their favorite place on earth. Many responded with things like, "the mountains," "my house," "the football field," "a lake," etc. Then, one student said, "your classroom," and I'll never forget that.


Making the days count until winter break is not just about marking off dates on a calendar; it's about embracing each moment with intention and gratitude. By implementing the five strategies suggested above, you transform the countdown into an opportunity for connection and growth.

Thank you for making December the most wonderful time of the year for students!

Author: Taylor Gould


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